OEE Calculator

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OEE formula and OEE calculation mistakes.

Overall equipment effectiveness calculator









Revenue Loss


Revenue Gain


Overall equipment effectiveness formula

OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality

Availability – How much time did the machine run ?

Performance – How efficiently did it run while it was running ?

Quality – How many good parts did it produce while it was running ?


A = 100 x (Running time / Available time)


If you are running a single part,
P = 100 x (Real production / Theoretical production)
If you are running multiple parts,
P = Σ(No. of parts produced x Std. cycle time of part) / Running time.


Q = 100 x (No. of OK parts produced / Total parts produced)

OEE losses and their meaning

Type of loss Meaning Examples
Not scheduled for production
Time when the machine is not planned to run
Non-working shifts, holidays, lunch breaks, tea breaks
Failure, Idle time
Time when the machine is planned to run, but is not running. This includes all events that stop production long enough where it makes sense to track a reason for the downtime (typically several minutes).
Setup, machine breakdown, inspection, accident, no raw material, power shutdown, part unloading and loading.
Minor stops, Speed loss
Machine running at lower than normal production rate, and downtimes of duration so small that it does not make sense to track the reason for the downtime
Part unload/load time that is longer than the standard unload/load time, cycle times that are longer than the standard cycle time, rework
Number of rejected parts.
Rejection quantity

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