Industry 4.0 research by analysing
35 million machine hours

Dasarathi G V

Dasarathi G V

Director in Leanworx

Dasarathi has extensive experience in CNC programming, tooling, and managing shop floors. His expertise extends to the architecture, testing, and support of CAD/CAM, DNC, and Industry 4.0 systems.

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After analysing 35 million machine hours across 200 machines in indian shop floors , Here is what we found

Before Industry 4.0 Implementation

Metric Lowest Highest
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Spindle Utilization (CNC Machines)
Operator Work Ethics (Downtime)
Effect of Late Start/Early Stoppage
10 min/shift (2%)
60 min/shift (14%)
Night Shift Downtime
3 min/shift
4 hrs/shift
Parts Count Difference (Reported vs Actual)
Cycle Time Deviation (Actual vs Standard)

After Industry 4.0 Implementation

Metric Lowest Highest
Increase in OEE
ROI (Revenue Benefit)
3x in 10 days
60x in 60 days

Why is Data important ?

There are big doubts about what industry 4.0 does, and what its benefits are .

India is no longer a low-cost country; it is a low-productivity country. This study shows the effect of data from an Industry 4.0 machine monitoring system across various shop floors.

Where is this Data from ?

Big Data collected from 2,000 machines on high-mix, low-volume (HMLV) shop floors across India, covering a wide range of metal-cutting and metal-forming industries in discrete manufacturing.

Ranging from MSMEs with 20 machines to large corporations with 1,200 machines, a total of 35 million machine hours has been collected by a Machine Monitoring System.

BEFORE implementation of industry 4.0 for machine data collection for LEAN

OEE of shop floor

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), weighted for the whole shop .

Highest - 50%
Lowest - 35 %
OEE of shop floor

Spindle Utilization in CNC machines

Spindle running time as % of planned production time in aerospace firms .

Highest - 35%
Lowest - 14%
spindle utilization in CNC machines

Operator work ethics

Machine Downtime due to poor operator work ethics in an 8 hour shift .

Highest - 30%
Lowest - 5%
operator work ethics

Effect of late start , early stoppage

Downtime due to machines starting late at shift start and stopping early at shift end as % of planned production time during an 8 hour shift .

10min/shift - 2%
60min/shift - 14%
effect of late start, early stoppage

Downtime in night shift

Machine downtime due to extended period of zero production as % of planned production time during an 8-hour night shift .

Lowest : 3 min / shift
Highest : 4 hrs / shift
overtime in night shift

Parts count difference Reported vs Actual

Parts count difference between produced quantity reported by the operator vs Actual production quantity .

Lowest - 1%
Highest - 5%
parts count difference reported vs actual

Cycle time deviation Actual vs Standard

Cycle time difference between actual cycle time and standard cycle time as  % .

Lowest - 0%
Highest - 20%
cycle time deviation actual vs standard

AFTER implementation of industry 4.0 for machine data collection by LEAN

Capacity utilization Effect of industry 4.0

Increase in OEE after implementation of machine monitoring system.

Lowest - 18%
Highest - 33%
capacity utilization effect of industry 4.0

Return on Investment (ROI)

Revenue benefit of machine monitoring system compared to the cost of the system 

60x in 60 days
3x in 10 days
return on investment (ROI)


With traditional manual , paper based data collection , machine capacity utilization is 50% or less in HMLV (high mix low volume ) shop floors .

ROI is like paying for a full banana , but eating only 50% or less .

ROI is like paying for a full banana , but eating only 50% or less .

Key Takeaway :

Data is king , More machines CANNOT improve profitability but accurate data can.

Increase your profits automatically. Use Leanworx to get accurate and instant data 24/7.

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