
About this blog

Each post in this blog has:

1. A bit of gyan (knowledge in Sanskrit) on Industry 4.0, specifically for MSMEs.
2. Some Etc (meaning Etcetera), which is interesting stuff that has nothing to do with work.

Industry 4.0 is a multi-disciplinary field, and knowledge on it is not available conveniently packaged in handbooks. Acquiring knowledge is painless if it’s done in small bits, so I’ve packaged it into small doses here, one bit of gyan in each post, every week. There’s actually a term for this – Micro Learning. I however prefer to call it ‘drip learning’ (like drip irrigation), or ‘learning kaizen’.


This blog: Small, easily digestible bits of learning, and some fun

The bottom part of each post, the Etc, is interesting bits on things that I see, do or eat, in my home town of Bangalore or when I travel.

There’s space for comments at the bottom of the page. Please feel free to comment on anything at all. This blog can remain alive and vibrant only with your interaction. The comment can be your reaction to something in the Etc, a correction of a technical mistake or a topic idea, or some extra gyan.

In my many decades on Earth, along with the bald head, the grey hair, paunch, and creaking joints, I’ve also acquired a good bit of manufacturing knowledge. The aim of this blog is to share this knowledge with others.


If you just want a break from the crises and urgent jobs at work, ignore the top part of the blog post and just read the Etc part you sit down at your desk for a coffee. And when you’re drinking your coffee, please remember that LEANworx Cloud costs less than a cup of coffee per day per machine .

I’d also dearly love to have you write for this blog as a guest author.
Any article by you that I carry in this blog will acknowledge you as the author, with your name, designation, and a link to your web site.

Hope you enjoy the blog.

Das (Dasarathi GV)
Foodie, Cycling maniac, Nomad
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Dasarathi GV
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