Gain insider perspectives and insights on all aspects of machine monitoring system, Downtime tracking software, Industry 4.0 and Production monitoring systems
Leanworx is a Affordable CNC Machine Monitoring Software. See a 70% reduction in downtime and boost profits in just 1 month.
Learn how to calculate production efficiency with our free tool and make your shop floor more productive and efficient…
Check out some interesting statistics that we found after analysing 35 million machine hours across 200 machines in Indian shop floors ….
In manufacturing firms, people who run the shop floors need production data to run the shop floor efficiently. The people are decision makers at various levels, from cell supervisors to plant managers, all the way up to the CEO….
10 ways to improve production in manufacturing are Reduce Late start, early ending in shift , reduce downtime for setup change ,reduce part rejections ,reduce part rework and more ….
Are you struggling to improve machine operator efficiency ? Learn what we shared from our experience ….
Are you producing below your potential capacity , Is your capex on new machines high ? Then this blog is for you. Learn how to improve your OEE and increase your profits now….
Decision makers at all levels, from shop supervisor to CEO, need to know these to be able to manage the shop floor efficiently….
The most obvious answer to the question “How to increase production capacity in manufacturing” is to buy more machines. This is the easiest, but also the worst….
Not sure how to create the perfect Manufacturing daily production report? Steal our Manufacturing daily production report Template and create it faster and better using Leanworx .
A big pain point for CEOs is the high and constant CapEx (capital expenditure) on new machines without any assured return….
If you’re okay with getting your machine data in 1440 mins , use manual data collection. If you need your machine data in 1 min, use automated data collection ….
The question ‘How to calculate utilization of a machine ’ can only be answered by first defining what is machine utilization or capacity utilization. Unfortunately, this is not a precise term and there are multiple definitions for it….
How do I work 2 shifts instead of 3, and do the same production ? If you are working 3 shifts of 8 hours each and manage to produce the same parts in 2 shifts, the benefits are huge….
Industry 4.0 ROI from monitoring production and productivity is always assured. The time to achieve full ROI can extend from just a couple of weeks to a few months, based on the capital cost of the equipment being monitored….
Leanworx machine downtime tracking software enabled a firm to stop working in the night shift. With the help of Leanworx, they started making the same number of parts in 2 shifts,…
The causes of downtime in manufacturing can be divided into Low hanging fruit and High hanging fruit…
A manufacturing monitoring system in SMEs yields big benefits in profits. It is very affordable. It pays back for itself in 1 or 2 months….
Having shop floor data collection software in your shop floor increases your productivity and revenue. We’ll show you what it is and why you need one…
The original 7 wastes of lean manufacturing were developed as part of the Toyota Production System (TPS). This later became 8 wastes with the addition of non-utilized talent or skills….
The data is collected, analyzed immediately by software, and available to human users or other software within seconds….
Downtime at shift change. Feed rate override misuse. These are two common work ethics issues. Here’s how you can fix these in just 2 weeks, with a CNC machine monitoring system…..
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